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    PAN TIANSHOU  COLLEGE OF ARCHITECHURE,ART AND DESIGN, one of the academic colleges of Ningbo University, is founded as a beneficiary of Master Pan Tianshou’s educational ideology and has received immense support from the Ningbo municipal government, resources of profound local culture and achievements of the economic and social development.  For the foundation of the college, Ningbo University, benefited from its comprehensive advantages, integrates internal resources from the College of Arts and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, together with external resources based on the Central Academy of Fine Art, China Academy of Art and Mr. Pan Gongkai’s social influences.          

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NO. 616 Fenghua Road, Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China 315211
电话/Tel:+86 574 87609558, 邮箱: dianjingbc88.com